Bottle Recycling Adelaide: Plastic Bottle Recycling

Each year, millions of containers are returned through Return and Earn, preventing them from littering our environment and saving energy by keeping them out of landfills. It also puts money back into community groups and sporting clubs.

plastic bottle recycling AdelaideSuper Collectors like Pooraka Bottle and Can Recycling Centre take bottles that qualify for the 10c refund under the State government’s Container Deposit Scheme. They prepare the eligible recycling bottles, ensuring they have their lids off. For more information about plastic bottle recycling Adelaide, click here.

Plastic recycling means the bottles and containers you no longer need get melted down and turned into new products. The bottles and containers can be remade into anything from polar fleece to fence posts. The coloured bottle with the triangle and number inside (1 to 7) on your water, soft drink or juice bottle displays the plastic identification code and indicates the type of plastic used to make it. Different types of plastic melt at different temperatures and go through a slightly different recycling process.

Plastic recycling through the container deposit schemes (CDS) run in every state and territory of Australia saves a lot of natural resources. For example, when one ton of PET plastic is recycled instead of made from raw materials, it holds 3.8 barrels of oil and produces fewer greenhouse gases. It keeps our landfills and waterways clean and helps consume the world’s limited oil supply.

As a result, it’s best to buy only plastic products that are 100% recyclable. But if that’s not possible, make sure you recycle the plastics you do have. It can take up to 700 years for a single plastic bottle to break down in the environment, so recycling is the best option for the earth.

At Pooraka Bottle and Can Recycling Depot, we accept all plastic drink containers that qualify for the 10c refund under the SA/NT government container deposit scheme. However, we ask that all lids be removed first. It speeds up the sorting and processing process and helps us pay your refunds much quicker.

Plastic bottles are separated by their PET codes, which can be found stamped on the bottom of each one with a triangle with a number inside (1 to 7). The PET code indicates it is made from polyethylene terephthalate (PETE or PET for short). It is recyclable into new water bottles, carpet fibre, t-shirts, industrial strapping, fiberfill for pillows and sleeping bags.

Recycling Depots
Plastic bottle recycling in Adelaide is hugely important to our sustainability efforts. It reduces new plastic entering our ecosystems and helps prevent pollution that kills marine life. Container deposit schemes (CDS) are a great way to recycle bottles and cans and are available in every state and territory in Australia.

Plastic bottles that qualify for the CDS can be returned at locations across South Australia. These include all Return-It points operated by Coca-Cola and most major retailers that support the scheme. You can choose to keep your refund or donate it to charity. For more information about plastic bottle recycling Adelaide, click here.

Metal lids and neck rings can remain on the bottles but cannot be recycled separately as they are too small for the machinery used in most households’ yellow-lid recycling bins to pick up – they should go into your red-lidded rubbish bin instead. Alternatively, you can place the lid in a clear plastic bag and hand it to places that recycle plastic bottle lids. The covers are then repurposed into other products, including fencing, tubing and crates.

Making Money
Depending on where you live, you can make anywhere from five to ten cents for every bottle, or you can recycle. It is because plastics have become very valuable and are being reused in various ways.

A great way to help the environment whilst making some extra cash is to separate glass from plastic bottles, cartons and cans before taking them to your local bottle recycling centre. It will speed up the process and prevent any unnecessary contamination of your bottles. Start your journey now with plastic bottle recycling.



Palm Tree Removal: Professional Dead Palm Tree Removal

If your palm tree shows signs of wilting or discolouration, it may be time for removal. A heavy machine or backhoe are two effective means for doing this safely – ensure all furniture and vehicles have been removed to avoid potential property damage.

Ensure that the professional dead palm tree removal you hire has extensive experience with palm tree removal. Also, get estimates from multiple providers before making your selection.

Remove the fronds

dead palm tree removalDead palm fronds must be removed as soon as they begin to break off and fall to reduce pest infestation and disease transmission. A pair of gloves and sharp utility knives is an effective way of doing this, while it would also be smart to wear protective eyewear and sturdy boots while doing this job.

If a palm is healthy, cutting away its fronds may simplify trimming its other leaves. As with all plants, however, only trim as many leaves as it produces during a single year.

After taking down the fronds, you must dig up and dispose of the palm stump. Consult waste disposal services to determine where it’s best to do this. Collecting any fallen seeds, flowers, or fruit is also a good idea, as these could attract pests or cause permanent stains on concrete surfaces.

Remove the trunk

Before cutting down a palm tree, ensure it won’t damage nearby structures or other plants if it falls. Also, be sure to get assistance since palm trees can be hefty; when ready, have one person hold onto one end and gently lower it over time.

Be wary of signs that your palm is dying, such as brown fronds and soil discolouration. A dead palm will often become susceptible to disease and infestations, making saving it harder.

Remove the stump

Palm tree stumps can be challenging to remove, particularly if deeply embedded. Various methods are available for managing them, such as digging them up or using caustic chemicals – both are ineffective solutions that could even pose risks to you and your property.

When digging up a stump, always wear protective eyewear and gloves and check with local law enforcement first. If you do not own a stump grinder, potassium nitrate or fungicide can also help kill roots effectively.

Remove the debris

After cutting down a palm tree, considerable debris will be cleared away from the site. It can be accomplished by stacking branches and cuttings or grinding them with a stump grinder into mulch-quality chips that can then be transported offsite for disposal or left at an on-site waste facility if stacking isn’t an option.

Palm infestations and diseases can wreak havoc, from palm aphids and mites to bud rot and lethal yellowing – each can wreak serious havoc with these trees and must be addressed quickly to stop further spread.

Whenever your palm’s health begins to decline, you must contact an arborist as soon as possible. A professional dead palm tree removal can assess the situation and recommend appropriate treatments; additionally, they may advise the best way to remove dead palm trees depending on their species – this may involve cutting the crown shaft or uprooting for transplanting.

Palm trees can grow to impressive heights, which means that their removal isn’t always cheap. The cost of palm tree removal depends on several factors, including the size of the trunk and whether it has spiny or fibrous bark. The location of the palm also affects the price, as it may be close to power lines, other trees, buildings or other structures.

While homeowners can save money by removing low-hanging branches themselves, the best way to tell whether a palm is dead or in decline is to have it inspected by an ISA-certified arborist. A professional can determine the health and stability of the tree, as well as check for signs of diseases like trunk rot that could lead to collapse later on.

Frozen Seafood: Cooked to Perfection and Quickly Freezed

Our frozen seafood is cooked to perfection and then quickly frozen so you can enjoy the just-caught taste and abundant nutrients year-round. Cook seafood from frozen just like you would fresh — and remember that freezing doesn’t kill harmful bacteria.

To defrost seafood, submerge in cold water. If vacuum-sealed, make sure to remove it from the package first. For more pre-cooked frozen seafood, check this out.

How to Cook Frozen Seafood

frozen seafood
Frozen seafood is excellent for making weeknight dinners, grilling on the weekend or adding to soup, casseroles, and stir fry recipes. Most recipes recommend thawing fish or shellfish in the refrigerator overnight, but you can also start cooking frozen seafood immediately without melting it. The key is to increase the cooking time by about 50% and to monitor the cooking process carefully.

For example, if you’re cooking shrimp or calamari in a butter sauce and baking it, remove the bag from the freezer, rinse the frozen seafood under cold water to remove any ice glaze and pat it dry with paper towels before baking. It helps the shrimp and calamari maintain their shape while baking.

If you’re using a seafood medley in chowder or stew, start it from frozen to give the soup mixture more leeway as it cooks. Just rinse the frozen seafood in cold water to remove bacteria and drain it well.

Thawing Frozen Seafood

From a hearty bowl of fish chowder to a plate of shrimp and scallops with lemon butter, frozen seafood works well in almost any dish. The quick freezing process freezes seafood at its peak freshness and locks in flavour and nutrients. For more pre-cooked frozen seafood, check this out.

Buying frozen seafood is also less wasteful and more convenient. Frozen seafood has a much longer shelf life than fresh, so you can stock up when the deals are good and store it until you’re ready to cook it.

It would be best if you slowly defrosted seafood in the refrigerator overnight to ensure even thawing. However, if you’re short on time, submerge your frozen seafood in cool water (not hot) for about 30 minutes and replace it every half hour until it’s thawed. Never defrost seafood on the counter or in warm water; this puts it in the “danger zone” and can lead to bacterial contamination. It’s also not safe to defrost seafood in the microwave.

Cooking Frozen Seafood

Many consumers hesitate to purchase frozen seafood because they believe it is inferior to fresher options. But the truth is that if seafood is handled correctly at harvest and during freezing, it can equal or even surpass the quality of fresh seafood.

It is due to flash freezing, which uses short bursts of ultra-cold air to form tiny ice crystals that don’t damage the texture or flavour of the seafood. Frozen seafood can also retain its natural oils, meaning it will not taste dry or less flavourful.

You can cook seafood from frozen in various ways, including sauteing, roasting, steaming, boiling, broiling and grilling. However, it is essential to note that cooking from frozen may require twice as much time to reach a safe internal temperature of 145 degrees. For this reason, we recommend thawing seafood in the refrigerator or placing it in a bowl of cool water for about 30 minutes before cooking.

Defrosting Frozen Seafood

F-freezing seafood is a preservation method that locks in flavour, texture, and nutrition. Frozen seafood is available year-round and offers consumers a greater variety than fresh.

Seafood that has been flash-frozen at the source is another excellent choice. This process freezes the seafood directly after harvesting and helps to maintain its freshness.

To determine if your frozen seafood is cooked, test for doneness. Fish should flake easily with a fork and have a translucent appearance. Shrimp, crabs, and lobster should be opaque and appear pearly. Bivalves like clams and mussels should open up when cooked and should be discarded if they remain closed. Buying frozen seafood is also better for the environment, as it reduces carbon emissions from transportation and helps to alleviate seasonal shortages.

Hearing Aids Adelaide: Choosing the Right Custom Hearing Aids

Choosing the proper custom hearing aids Adelaide is a personal process. Working with an experienced audiologist is essential for optimal hearing rehabilitation results.

custom hearing aids Adelaide	Designed for your active lifestyle, the Livio AI hearing aid has advanced features and next-generation sound performance. Experience better hearing with a small, discreet solution and easy to use.

Behind-the-Ear (BTE)

Unlike other styles, BTE hearing aids house all the electronic components in a case that rests behind your outer ear and sends sound into a clear plastic tube that routes into a dome or customised earmold inside your ear canal. This design enables BTEs to offer more powerful amplification, making them suitable for most ages, especially adults.

These devices can also be a good option for people with ear canal issues, like frequent ear wax or water buildup. They are easier to handle and clean than other types of hearing aids.

Standard BTE models are among the largest of all hearing aids, and because of this, they have more room to offer advanced features like telecoils. They are also easy to use for older adults and are the preferred choice for those with mild-to-moderate or severe-to-profound hearing loss. For more information, check out our Starkey range of BTE models.

In-the-Canal (ITC)

A little bigger than ITE styles, ITC models are shaped to fit the curves of your outer ears. They’re still less visible than IIC and CIC hearing aids and are available in various skin tones to blend in with your facial features. Their slightly larger size also gives them enough room to feature push-button controls, allowing you to control your hearing aids and audio programs manually. For more information about the custom hearing aids Adelaide, click here.

Choosing the best hearing aid for you is an important decision that should be made in consultation with your audiologist. Your audiologist will consider factors such as your level of hearing loss, your lifestyle, and the listening environments you regularly encounter.

If you’re considering Lyric, finding a clinic with accredited Lyric specialists is essential. The accreditation process is stringent, and only a few Adelaide audiology clinics can offer this breakthrough technology. The team at Hearing Sense is proud to be one of these specialist centres.

Receiver-in-Canal (RIC)

RIC aids are an excellent option for those who want a discreet hearing solution. They look similar to a BTE aid but have thin electrical wires that replace the acoustic tube. The minor case slips behind the ear, offering a sleek, invisible appearance. RIC devices also provide the latest technology, so you can be confident using state-of-the-art equipment.

They’re also highly functional, with many models incorporating Bluetooth connectivity to allow users to stream music and movies directly to their devices. They’re also available in rechargeable models, eliminating the need for regular battery changes.

We recommend consulting a professional if you are interested in an RIC hearing aid. They can help you find the right solution for your individual needs and listen to the pros and cons of each style. You’ll also need to consider your level of hearing loss and what listening environments you frequently visit. For example, if you spend most of your time in noisy environments, you might consider a BTE device with more amplification. For more information about the custom hearing aids Adelaide, click here.

Invisible-in-the-Canal (IIC)

The most miniature style of custom hearing aid, IIC, is a tiny device deep inside the ear canal and virtually undetectable. IICs are available in BTE and RIC styles, and a few models are rechargeable.

IICs feature an omnidirectional microphone, meaning they’ll pick up sounds from all directions, while older devices only register sounds in front of the wearer. It is especially helpful for people who struggle with background noise and can make conversations easier to understand.

Because of their small size, IICs are more prone to earwax buildup and require regular cleaning by your Hearing Care Professional. They may also be less successful if you have arthritis in your fingers, as the skill needed to manipulate the device or change the batteries is high.

The latest IIC technology includes Bluetooth streaming capability and touchscreen control. The Evolv Ai CIC is the world’s first wireless IIC with advanced sound processing and features a mobile app that lets you customise your experience.

Building Inspections Melbourne: Commercial Building Inspections

A commercial building inspection is a professional investigation that helps buyers, sellers, renovators, and developers get a clear picture of a property. It focuses on five core components – roofing, electrical systems, plumbing, and HVAC.

Inspectors rely on insight from roofing experts, construction contractors, and code inspectors to understand the exterior health of a building fully. They also examine walls, floors, offices, bathrooms, and kitchen spaces to identify safety-related hazards or recommend interior renovations. For more information about the commercial building inspections Melbourne, click here.


Structural building inspections in Melbourne are a vital service professional building inspectors offer. They help customers make balanced judgments about a property before they purchase it. They identify and highlight defects and structural issues needing repair to ensure a safe and sound investment.

building inspections MelbourneThe service also identifies significant property safety hazards, such as faulty wiring and inadequate fire safety measures. Addressing these issues saves buyers a lot of money and hassle.

A quality inspection can also be beneficial during an earthquake. Identifying and repairing damaged buildings can minimise the number of homeless people after the event. This can also reduce the load on emergency shelters. This is especially important for areas in seismic zones. This is why regular inspections are necessary for all buildings, whether residential homes or commercial properties.


It’s important to remember that building inspections in Melbourne are a critical part of the property purchasing process. They’re also vital for any homeowner considering a renovation or upgrade. They help identify safety hazards and ensure that buildings comply with local regulations. For more information about the commercial building inspections Melbourne, click here.

It may seem obvious, but having a professional conduct a building and pest inspection before you buy a property is crucial. It will provide an unbiased assessment of the property’s condition, grounding your decision-making and giving you peace of mind.

The building and pest inspections service thoroughly examines all accessible areas, including internal rooms, roof spaces, windows and seals, garden areas, garages and sheds, pool areas and carports, pergolas, and balconies. It also includes identifying asbestos checking plumbing systems, electrical wiring, and safety switches. Unsheathed permanent wiring is another common issue found during inspections, as it should be covered in conduit to prevent fires and electrocution. Treating hidden defects as icebergs is a great analogy – what you see on the surface is often only a fraction of the problems beneath the surface.


The importance of a thorough building inspection can’t be overstated. It can prevent potential problems and extra costs that may arise later on, especially if you plan to sell your property. You should always look for a well-respected and experienced inspector with the proper certifications to perform a complete property assessment.

Structural defects, faulty wiring, and pest infestations are some of the problems that can be identified during a building inspection. These issues are dangerous for the occupants and can lead to financial losses and legal liabilities for the owners.

An experienced building inspector can spot these problems early on, allowing the owner to address them before they cause severe damage. This can help avoid costly repairs and save lives and properties during a natural disaster. A building inspection will also give the owner a clear idea of the actual condition of their property, which can help them prepare their budget more accurately. For more information about the commercial building inspections Melbourne, click here.


If you’re considering buying a new property, you should consult an expert building inspector. They can help uncover hidden problems and determine if it’s worth purchasing. They can also suggest repairs or improvements to increase its value and longevity. In addition, they can provide you with a detailed report of the property.

To ensure you hire the right person, ask about their past clients, and read online reviews. You should also check whether they have a valid license and insurance coverage that compensates for mistakes and accidents. You should also request a copy of their certificate and ensure they’re a professional organisation member.

The importance of instant building inspections in Melbourne cannot be overstated. They can save potential home or commercial buyers from expensive repair bills and costly insurance claims. These inspections can identify structural damage, plumbing issues, and safety hazards. They can also help the purchaser negotiate a fair price for the property.

Boys School Shoes: Boys Oxford School Shoes

Oxford dress shoes are perfect for semi-formal and formal occasions. Pair them with a blazer for a polished look that creates a classic style. You can wear them with straight or slim-fit pants for a stylish outfit. You can even use denim shorts with Oxfords for a casual look. For more information about boys oxford school shoes, boys oxford school shoes


Oxford dress shoes are one of the most classic styles for boys to wear. They can be worn with a well-draped blazer for a sophisticated look that will attract compliments from onlookers. You can pair them with a long-sleeved shirt and straight or slim-fit pants for a more formal outfit. These combinations will create a polished and put-together look that will suit business-related events or family gatherings.

These shoes are available in many different colours and styles. Some are even designed to be more casual than others. They come in black, navy blue, and other neutral hues that suit various occasions. They also feature comfortable linings designed to keep the feet dry and sweat-free. These dress shoes are lightweight and can be worn with any clothing style. They are ideal for school, church, or birthday parties. They are an excellent option for young kids who need to look sharp but also want to play.


Boys’ Oxford school shoes are made with durable materials that can withstand the rough and tumble of daily school activities. They also offer a comfortable fit to prevent foot problems and promote health and stability. Some shoes feature textured outsoles for added traction, while others are designed with comfortable linings and padded collars. They can be worn with casual pants and button-up shirts for a stylish look that meets the requirements of many school dress codes and uniforms.

These shoes are perfect for formal occasions and will match most outfits. You can find many styles, from classic plain to wingtip and cap-toe oxfords. The latter have an extra piece of leather sewn on the front and toes, giving them a more refined appearance.

Choosing the right pair of school shoes is a crucial decision that impacts your child’s comfort, safety and performance at school. Choosing the right style, size, and material will ensure a healthy and comfortable fit throughout the school day.


When looking for boys’ dress shoes, choosing a pair that fits well is essential. The last thing you want to do is have a couple of boys’ Oxford dress shoes that are too loose or tight and will cause discomfort by the night’s end.

Boy’s oxford dress shoes are perfect for formal occasions, including school dances, church events, and birthday parties. When paired with a well-fitting blazer and perfectly tapered pants, these shoes will create a polished look that will turn heads.


If you are looking for dress shoes for your boys, oxfords are an ideal choice. They look great with various formal outfits and are a classic staple for any boy’s wardrobe. They are also easy to pair with pants or jeans for a more casual style.

A blazer can make any outfit feel elegant when paired with a nice shirt. You can also opt for black Oxford dress shoes for a more formal look. A tuxedo is another option for a fancy occasion. For more information about boys oxford school shoes, click here.

Choose a pair of black oxfords to make your son stand out at a special event. These will look good with a suit, as well as with a dark-coloured blazer and a tie. These shoes’ classic closed-rounded toe and lace-up design make them perfect for any outfit. They will work with almost any casual attire, as well as with some semi-formal or formal companies.

Dress your little one in classic dress shoes that are perfect for school or special events. With options for toddlers, big kids and everywhere in between, Zulily has the boys Oxford school shoes to help them look sharp and feel comfortable while they walk.

The right pair of school shoes promotes foot health and supports healthy posture. Choose shoes with adequate arch support and shock absorption to keep feet comfortable all day long.

Retail Inventory Management: What Is Retail Inventory Management?

Retail inventory management is not simply stacking products on shelves and ringing up sales. It’s a complex set of practices that involve tracking, forecasting, ordering, and analysing.

Retail inventory management: What Is Retail Inventory Management?Raw materials, work-in-progress and finished goods inventory are the three categories of stock a business uses to record its operations. Retailers can use ABC analysis to categorise lists based on profitability and sales volume. For more information about the retail inventory management software, click here.

Inventory Management Software

If your retail business relies on inventory, you need a reliable and effective tool to manage it. Inventory management software is designed to streamline and automate your business operations. It can help you improve efficiency, reduce costs and quickly meet customer demand.

Inventory management software can track product data, identify best sellers, determine sales trends, optimise supplier purchasing quantities, and fine-tune fulfilment processes. It can also integrate with your other systems, such as POS, CRM and accounting solutions, to streamline the order-to-fulfillment process.

Cloud-based inventory management systems are typically less expensive than onsite hardware solutions, eliminating the need for costly maintenance. They can be accessed via the internet and are easy to deploy. It allows SMBs and startups to invest their capital and profits in other growth-oriented activities rather than focusing on maintaining hardware infrastructure. They can also be easily scaled to support increasing sales and inventory levels. It would be best if you chose a vendor that offers open APIs and pre-built integrations with popular platforms to ensure flexibility and ease of integration.

Inventory Tracking

A key component of retail solid inventory management is tracking inventory levels, which tells retailers how much product they have. Consistently accurate stock counts help reduce a business’s storage and carrying costs and minimise stale inventory, which can result in a stockout that frustrates customers and damages the brand’s reputation.

Retailers can track inventory using various methods, including barcode scanning, RFID, and advanced mobile applications. These technologies reduce human error and make implementing best practices like cycle counting easier.

Quantitative forecasting uses historical sales data to anticipate future demand. For example, if you know that a particular product is usually more popular in the fall than in the summer, you can plan to increase inventory levels during those months. It helps you reduce stockouts and improve customer satisfaction.

When forecasting, it’s important to use comparable periods. For example, a forecast that looks at sales over the next two weeks is more likely to be accurate than one that looks at demand 12 months out. Also, review trends and marketing variables that might affect sales. For instance, if a particular marketing initiative positively impacted sales, you might want to factor that into your forecasting process. Finally, don’t forget about analysing lead time (the amount of time it takes your supplier to deliver new inventory after you place an order). It will help you determine when to place your orders with suppliers.

Inventory Reorder Points

Reorder points are a crucial part of inventory management. They determine when to reorder raw materials or finished goods so that stock levels remain healthy and you don’t have too much or too little of any one item. Reorder points are calculated using a formula such as average daily usage multiplied by the lead time (the number of days from ordering to getting the inventory into your storeroom) plus safety stock, which is a buffer or contingency supply that you want to keep on hand in case of sudden high demand or slow deliveries.

Inventory Analysis

Inventory analysis is the process of evaluating the level, movement and management of a company’s stock. It can include analysing key performance indicators, such as inventory turnover ratios, days of inventory, and reorder points. It also includes implementing methods, such as ABC analysis, to categorise lists into groups based on value and importance. The goal is to optimise inventory levels so that a business minimises carrying costs while having enough stock to meet customer demand.

FBT base value novated lease: How is FBT Calculated For a FBT Base Value Novated Lease?

Historically, FBT was calculated based on the car’s taxable value and the amount of private kilometres travelled. It resulted in an incentive for people to clock up their kilometres to reduce their FBT liability.

FBT base value novated lease constributionsThe Australian Tax Office allows employees to contribute towards the running costs of their novated lease in after-tax dollars. It can significantly reduce their FBT liability. For more information about FBT base value novated lease constributions, click here.

What is a Novated Lease?

A novated lease is a unique employee-benefit arrangement that’s three-way between you, your employer and a financier. It means that, as an employee, you don’t own the car but instead make post-tax contributions towards the cost of running it – like fuel and servicing. The financier leases the vehicle for an agreed term (usually one to five years) as part of your salary package.

You can salary package any new or used car under a novated lease – as long as it’s Australian-registered. Novated leasing is a great way to get into the vehicle you want because some or all of the car’s operating costs are removed from your pre-tax salary. It reduces your income tax liability throughout the year and increases your disposable cash.

At the end of the novated lease term, you have the option to either renew your novated lease for another year or purchase the vehicle outright. If you extend your novated lease, you can choose from various finance packages, including fully maintained and non-maintained options.

The taxable base value of a novated lease depends on how you use the car and the number of kilometres you drive each year. The taxable base value is calculated using either the Statutory or Operating Costs Method. Getting professional tax advice before entering into a novated lease is essential.

FBT Base Value

The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) requires employees who salary package a car through a novated lease to pay Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT). The ATO taxes this benefit because they pay for your vehicle using post-tax dollars instead of pre-tax income.

Your novated lease’s FBT taxable base value can be reduced by making annual after-tax contributions from your salary to the car’s running costs. These contributions are called the Employee Contribution Method (ECM). Each dollar of ECM you contribute reduces your novated lease’s taxable base value by that same amount. You can choose to contribute up to the maximum limit outlined below. Maxxia will establish this arrangement between you and your employer when your new lease is created.

FBT Exemptions

Australia has a tax on fringe benefits; any non-cash benefit provided by your employer must be paid Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT), which is calculated on the taxable value of the fringe benefit. Because a novated lease isn’t included in your salary or wages, it falls under this tax. To reduce the novated lease’s taxable value, you can use post-tax money from your paycheck to pay for your running costs. It is known as the Employee Contribution Method (ECM). When you use ECM, you reduce your taxable lease base value and avoid FBT altogether. However, any GST savings from salary packaging your car’s running costs, such as fuel and insurance, will be negated.

Salary packaging your vehicle through a novated lease is a popular way for Australians to save on the cost of their new car. But it’s essential to understand how your novated lease is calculated, as this will impact the amount of FBT you pay at the end of each year. At Southgate, we use the statutory formula method to calculate your novated lease, which gives you an accurate picture of your FBT liability at the end of each year. It includes your taxable base value, any GST on the purchase price of your vehicle and the amount of your residual payment.

FBT Calculation

The FBT calculation for a novated lease can vary depending on the method used and the percentage of private use of the vehicle. The most common way of calculating novated lease FBT is the statutory formula method, which uses the novated leasing price as the base value for a taxable benefit and the kilometres driven by the employee during the FBT year.

Large letter hire: Give Your Next Occasion a Personal Touch

Whether planning a special event or looking for a new way to promote your business, large letter rentals will give your next occasion extra glamour and sophistication. This lighting style is often used in movies and theatres, but now they are becoming famous for events and home decor.

large letter rentals Custom Monograms

Many couples prefer to monogram their gifts, from towels and robes to linens, barware and stationery. But when registering for items, it’s essential to understand how initials are ordered — otherwise, you could commit a monogramming faux pas.

Traditionally, a monogram consists of three letters. The order is typically first name initial, middle name and last name initial, with the last name initial being more prominent. If the couple has a shared middle name, the monogram may also include it. For example, Elizabeth Brown Smith and Charles William Smith would use ESC as their monogram.

Some people skip the middle initial, leaving only a first and last name for their monogram. Other monograms, often drawn by hand or illustrated, use stacked initials linked with scrolls or designs. Some even have small pictures that represent the family or the couple.

In modern times, some women keep their maiden names and hyphenate their last words. In this case, building a monogram for the new couple is easy. The order is usually first name initial, last name initial, and the wife’s maiden name initial, or, if the woman has no middle name, her single previous name initial appears. For example, Kelsie Vogds Robinson and their husband, Chris Robinson, would have a monogram of KRV.

Marquee letters are a beautiful way to announce your engagement or marriage. These large lighted signs can be used indoors or outdoors and are perfect for a memorable announcement. They’re also great for wedding receptions and can be rented in white or other colours to match your theme. Lighted marquee letters are also a fun way to display your initials or say “I love you” at any celebration.

Corporate Events

Whether you’re looking to add a little extra pizazz to a wedding, graduation or particular holiday party, large marquee letters can be rented for any occasion. Use the ringing of giant initials to pop the question or welcome fraternities and sororities back to campus with their name in lights. Putting critical words in sunlight is also famous for corporate events and parties. Each marquee light is approximately 21″ high.

Giant light-up letters, numbers, and symbols are becoming a popular addition to parties and events. Social Lights, a new event rental business, offers these special touches in the Mansfield area.

Large marquee letters add a bright wow factor and offer beautiful photo opportunities. Giant initials and famous words like LOVE and MR & MRS can spell out names or initials for weddings or gender reveal parties.


Big, light-up letters create a romantic and elegant focal point for your wedding decor or engagement party. Giant marquee letters spell out your new MR or MRS title or show off the date of your special day for a photo op guests will love. They also make a beautiful backdrop for an unforgettable proposal. The classic “MARRY ME?” is popular, but there are endless ways to personalise your celebration with marquee sign rentals.

Large letters also make a bold and tasteful decorative statement at graduation parties, welcoming back brothers and sisters to campus, or for any seasonal celebration at your business or local organisation. Lighted letters can be customised with your school initials, graduation year, or a special message.


Graduations are a huge milestone for students and an opportunity to reflect on their achievements. They are the beginning of a new chapter in their lives, so making the day feel special is essential. Large letter rentals can help make this happen. They are great for displaying initials, graduation years or school names. These letters can be an excellent addition to any event and add some extra sparkle.

The ceremony usually begins with a procession of academic staff and lecturers, many of whom the graduating students may recognise from their institution or area of study. It is followed by an inspirational keynote speech from someone who can offer the graduates valuable advice for their future.

Bridal Hair: The Ideal Style to Look Your Best in Your Special Day

For your theme based bridal hair, you need to think of a style that will be durable enough to hold a veil. A low bun or a classic chignon are great options for this accessory.

Add texture to your bridal updo with a few face-framing curls. This style is ideal for long and medium-length hair.

Ashy Shades

theme based bridal hairAshy shades are a calm tone that flatters pink and pale skin tones. They’re also less likely to turn brassy compared to warm tones like blonde and golden brown. This makes them an excellent choice for ladies who want to avoid unwanted warmth in their hair colour without lighting too much.

To brighten your natural brunette locks, ask for ashy highlights in a medium shade. This low-maintenance look creates tons of dimension and highlights your face beautifully. It also looks fantastic with trendy curtain bangs and flipped-up ends, as shown on Hayden Panettiere.

For a darker, ashy tone, try a dark ash-brown balayage. This is a gorgeous way to refresh your brunette look and adds a beautiful contrast to your dark roots. The cool tones of this look also hide any strands of grey and make your hair appear more youthful. As a bonus, this look also requires minimal upkeep and is perfect for brunettes who don’t want to maintain their full colour too often.


Blonde is a hair colour that can be a beautiful choice for a bride. The best blonde shade for a woman complements her skin tone, highlights her features, and enhances her complexion. In addition, blonde hair is easy to style and requires fewer touch-ups than other colours.

The adjective blond and the noun blond are both genderless, though many marketing campaigns, joke punchlines, and stereotypes will use a female gender when referencing someone with blonde hair. Understanding the difference between the two words is essential, as it can influence how you approach your blonde hairstyle and colour choices.

Cool-toned blonde shades, such as ashy and platinum blonde hues, tend to be more contemporary and edgy than warmer, golden blonde tones. They are also often seen as more natural-looking, especially when blended with balayage or baby lights techniques. Blonde hair can also help conceal regrowth between colour appointments, allowing longer intervals between touch-ups than other colours. This can be helpful for those who struggle to maintain a full head of natural hair or are looking to minimise maintenance costs.

Braided Updo

For those with long hair, a gorgeous braided updo will take your look to the next level. This style can be worn for casual afternoons and formal occasions and is a great way to keep your hair out of the sun. For an added touch, use a hair accessory such as a comb or tiara to complete the look.

If you have long, voluminous locks, consider adding coloured extensions to your braids for a fun pop of colour. This will allow you to change your theme based bridal hair colour without damaging it and also help protect your natural tresses from heat manipulation and hot straightening tools.

For a romantic look, try a ribbon halo braid. This style is ideal for shoulder length and longer hair, and it looks great when paired with a white flower, such as a baby’s breath. Add gold or silver hair cords to your braids for a stylish touch. This look can be glam and modern or edgy and non-conformist, depending on your chosen accessories. You can even use a fabric headband for this style.

Silk Scarf Ponytail

A fun way to add a touch of colour is by tying a silk scarf around your ponytail. This style is a fun twist on the classic ponytail, and it looks incredibly chic when worn with a flowy dress. Pull your hair back into a low ponytail and tie a colourful scarf around the base. You can leave the ends of the scarf loose or tuck them in to achieve a more polished look. This style also makes a great hair accessory for special events like weddings.

Aside from being a stylish accessory, silk scarves have many health benefits that can help your hair look its best on your big day. For example, silk’s smooth texture helps retain moisture and natural oils in your hair. In addition, it can also reduce frizz and static. Finally, silk can also help to preserve your hairstyle, which is especially important if you have invested time and effort into creating a particular look.

Side Braid

A twist-side braid is an easy way to achieve theme based bridal hair. This cute style can be worn with a dress or for a more relaxed and bohemian look. You can even incorporate a scarf to add colour to your face. Just be sure to secure the ends of the scarf with a hair tie to keep it from falling off.